Paraty, Rio de Janeiro - Brasil | School: 5-9 August 2019 / Workshop: 12-16 August 2019

Application & Fees


  School only Workshop only School + Workshop
Student (until 10th July)* FREE R$400 R$400
Student (after 10th July)* FREE R$560 R$560
Non-Student (until 10th July) R$400 R$700 R$750
Non-Student (after 10th July) R$560 R$900 R$900

*Because the School is an official CAPES Higher Studies School, it is free of charge for students from Brazilian institutions.       

NOTE: Due to exchange rate fluctuations all fees are in Brazillian Reais (BRL). Reference rates provided by the European Central Bank can be found here and by here.




Please read the instructions carefully before filling in the forms below. Contact us if any clarification is needed.           

Note that separate applications must be made for the School and for the Workshop

Preference at the Workshop will be given to researchers presenting original results. However, students attending the School may also attend the Workshop without submitting a presentation, provided there is enough space. We encourage students to apply for both events. Conversely, preference at the School will be given to postgraduate students. Some outstanding undergraduate students may also be accepted. Participants are not required to submit a presentation, but those who wish to do so are welcome, and will have the opportunity to present a poster.

Acceptance for the School will be notified between 22 April and 10 May. Applications not selected in this period will be placed on a waiting list, together with post-deadline applications. Applicants on the waiting list may receive a late acceptance email after 10 Jul. 

Acceptance for the Workshop will be notified between 13 May and 24 May. Applicants for both School and Workshop will receive two separate notifications. 

Please await receipt of an acceptance email before paying your registration fee. If you have not received either an acceptance or rejection by the appropriate date, please contact us.

Because the School is an official CAPES Higher Studies School, it is free of charge for students. In order to discourage no-shows, accepted students must send us until 10 Jul some proof of their intention to attend, such as as proof of payment for an airline, coach or hotel reservation, regardless of whether he or she has also applied for the Workshop. Accepted students who do not submit this information may have their places offered to applicants on the waiting list.

 The registration fee covers participation, refreshments and conference events. It does not cover meals, travel (except bus transfer) or accommodation.


Applications for this edition of the event are closed